Do you need a tummy tuck or should you go with liposuction—or both? There’s no one right answer, and this post will break down the details of each procedure so you can decide what works best for you.
You can encounter three separate problems that give your tummy a look you’d rather not have:
- Extra skin
- Excess fat
- Separated six-pack muscles
First, it’s important to know liposuction only removes fat from beneath your skin. You can check how much fat you have by pinching your tummy’s skin. The fat is the layer just beneath the skin.
If you have tight skin in your midsection, you’re more likely to get good results from liposuction. This allows your skin to tighten around your body following your liposuction procedure.
If there’s any chance your skin will hang loose over your midsection, liposuction isn’t a good solution for you. In this situation, your skin actually ends up looking worse than before, and it could also cause rippling or irregularities with your skin’s contour.
Tummy Tucks
When you have extra skin, tummy tucks help you experience the best result. This procedure removes the extra skin, and leaves a scar just below your waistline. Don’t worry – most clothing, including bikinis, hides this scar.
Besides tightening your skin, tummy tucks also remove fat. If you have been pregnant one or multiple times, this area of your body has most likely begun bulging. This happens because your six-pack abs, “rectus abdominis” muscles, become separated. They get a space between them, called a “diastasis.” This widening is like loosening a belt around your midsection, allowing your abdomen to bulge. Tummy tucks bring these muscles back together, which flattens your abdominal area by tightening the “belt” of your core.
The Right Procedure Isn’t Always Clear
While these categories seem obvious in theory, not everyone fits perfectly into one or the other. Some women can have extra fat without excess skin, but the skin still lacks tightness.
If this situation fits you, just be aware you may be a good candidate for either liposuction or a tummy tuck. In fact, many patients benefit from a combination procedure that includes liposuction and a tummy tuck. When performed safely, this combination approach can create pretty significant improvements. As you can see, there are options. We can help you find a personalized solution after discussing your goals and performing a brief examination.
If you believe plastic surgery is right for you, contact our office for your consultation.